
My research interests are within the field of Bayesian methods, more specifically:

Why Bayesian?

When modeling, it is important to have at our disposal principled tools and workflows that help us to build, fit, evaluate and diagnose our models. A fundamental part of this is the ability of expressing and incorporating our assumptions and prior knowledge into the model itself to carry out inference. Indeed, not only do we need robust methods for inference but also efficient and computationally fast ones, since the modeling pipeline is rarely, if ever, implemented only once in a given problem.

To achieve this, I work with the Stan probabilistic language, that uses Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to run inference for our models. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo is a very efficient MCMC sampler that runs orders of magnitude faster than previous methods. As such, it is able to converge to the true posterior distribution of the model’s parameters very fast, apart from informing the user about any pathological behaviour that may have happened during sampling: a must tool to have!

Current Research

A main part of my current research focuses on the following:


Here I will post the list of my refereed articles, whereas more informal blog posts will go into Blog Posts.


Journal articles

Conference articles